Miscellaneous functions |
SYNTAX | #include |
RETURNS | nothing |
FUNCTION | Includes external AFL files into your formula.
Note 1: include statement need SINGLE backslashes in the path (this is
quite the opposite to normal AFL sting parsing) Note 2: using #include command may slow down formula execution even considering the fact that AmiBroker tries to include only once and cache pre-processed text Note 3: that currently no error message is given if #include fails and this code is experimental. Note 4: nesting #include commands is now supported (version 5.10 and above) Note 5: by default files #included are cached by the AmiBroker. To turn off caching use #pragma nocache before any #include statements. #include now accepts new way of specifying file names to include: #include <filename.afl> (note < > braces instead of " " ) if you specify the file name this way AmiBroker will look for the file in "standard include path" that is definable using new prefs setting in Tools->Preferences->AFL It makes much shorter to write includes and you can move include folder now without changing all AFL codes using #includes. For example if you have set standard include path to "C:\AFL\MyIncludes" and write in your formula: #include <common.afl> AmiBroker will look for C:\AFL\MyIncludes\common.afl file Also now #include reports file(s) not found in regular error message box. |
EXAMPLE | #include "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\AFL\common.afl" |
SEE ALSO | #pragma() function |
The #include function is used in the following formulas in AFL on-line library:
See updated/extended version on-line.